This is eProcessor, a step forward to compete in hardware

With a budget of 8 million euros over the next three years, the eProcessor project aims to develop the first European open source chip. A chip with RISC-V architecture, which seeks to become the free alternative to Intel, AMD and ARM-based designs.

The eProcessor project will be framed within other supercomputing projectssuch as the ‘European Processor Initiative’, ‘Low-Energy Toolset for Heterogeneous Computing’, ‘MareNostrum Experimental Exascale Platform’, ‘POP2 CoE’, ‘Tulipp’, ‘EuroEXA’ or ‘ExaNeSt’.

While some of the eProcessor versions are intended for supercomputing and data servers, it is also working on using this RISC-V chip in artificial intelligence for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), processors for cars as well as CPUs for IoT and mobile devices.

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